Sustainability is the driving force for our company. We do not see landfills as IBA's final destination; we see new beginnings. Blue Phoenix Group transforms the seemingly unrecyclable into usable materials. With our state-of-the-art technology, we are building a sustainable future.
Why we do it
Climate change is a challenge that requires a systemic transformation from governments, industries, and consumers alike. The European Union aims to become climate-neutral by 2050 by transforming its current economy into a resource-efficient and circular economy. A massive reduction in greenhouse gases (GHG) across industries is required. Of key interest is the concrete industry, which contributes to 5-8% of the annual CO2 emissions, mainly caused by the production of cement as a binder. The concrete industry has the target to reduce 40% of their CO2 emissions by 2030 and 80- 95% by 2050. The development of alternative binders is a top priority of the industry. It can lead to a significant reduction in GHG emissions from resource extraction, processing, and transport.
LIFE MIBA FILLER demonstrates a climate-change mitigation technology with the potential to reduce GHG emissions, biodiversity loss, and land-use change across three sectors: the concrete, metal, and waste industries.
Half of the emissions from the concrete sector are related to the production of cement as a binder. This process requires massive amounts of limestone and energy for clinker calcination.
In the European Union, 19 million tonnes of IBA are produced annually and expected to increase to 25-30 million tonnes in 2025. Currently, 70% of IBA is disposed on a landfill. LIFE MIBA FILLER enables a shift from landfilling of municipal solid waste and bottom ash to producing a binder with a lower environmental footprint than cement. It is an example of a climate change mitigation technology that facilitates growth and urbanization but at a lower environmental cost than cement.
- Circle Economy, 2021. The Circularity Gap Report.
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- Khan, M., Serafeim, G., Yoon, A., 2016. Corporate Sustainability: First Evidence on Materiality. The Accounting Review 91, 1697–1724.
- Petersen, M., Brockhaus, S., 2017. Dancing in the dark: Challenges for product developers to improve and communicate product sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production 161, 345–354.